
It seems that it’s always this way. Where you start off the first few weeks of eating properly full steam ahead.  You’ve got great choices, whole foods (actual food, not the grocery chain) stocked and ready to go. And then, I’m not sure if it’s just life or what, but something happens. You get rushed at dinner, you forget or don’t have time to pack lunch, so you have to wing it. And the poor food choices follow. Sometimes it’s just a once in a while thing. Sometimes it’s an entire weekend. Sometimes it’s night time snacking.  Whatever the excuse is, it’s there.  And before you know it, you have a week where there is a big gain.
I’ve been lucky this time around.  I did have a gain. And it was a big one, for me anyway. It took me another two weeks to get rid of that gain. When I go to the meetings, I feel really motivated and inspired. But you have to find that motivation within yourself too. At least I do. Because 7 days is a long time to go before you feel motivated again and get that weekly charge that you need to get.  I feel lucky because I’ve been able to keep track of everything I’ve been eating. The good, the bad, and the ugly.  And I’ve managed to stay within my points and managed to watch the scale slowly creep down.  I need to remember that exact feeling when I get on the scale and I see it’s gone down. Because, that my friends, is my motivation. 
I know they tell you not to live or die by the scale. And I truly don’t feel like I do. BUT, and that’s a big butt there, (see what I just did) I can’t help it. That along with how my clothes fit, is my biggest motivater.  Those two things are what keep me plugging along in this.  I was at Lifetime, at goal, at the right number. I don’t have a set, specific number. I just know the range I need to be in. And I’m going to get there again. Because I’ve done it before and I know I can do it again.
My daughter competes in gymnastics and there is this one quote that I have said to her over and over again when she’s had a rough practice. It’s something I repeat to myself when I think that weight loss is hard.   It’s from the movie, A League of Thier Own.  “It’s supposed to be hard. If it wasn’t hard, then everyone would do it. The hard is what makes it great”.  I remember this when I tell myself this is hard. And then I tell myself that it isn’t “that” hard.  Doing a round off back handspring on a balance beam. Now that’s hard.  Doing handstand fly-aways off the top parallel bars-now that’s hard.  This?  I got this.

This time it has been different. This go ’round feels more like the time when I lost all of the weight and finally made lifetime back in 2004.  I haven’t been perfect, who is? But I’ve been totally accountable and honest and doing instead of just trying.  
It helps to have a supportive husband, but sometimes, having a supportive husband makes it difficult too.  What I mean is that he can snack. I’ve had to tell myself over and over again, that I can’t eat like he does. His job, his metabolism, everything is so different than mine. I just have to do what is right for me.  I found a great meeting time and the leader is so awesome. My next goal is going to be to get some fitness into my every day life.  That doesn’t mean every day. I tried that before and it really didn’t work for me. So I’m trying to find a balance. A way to incorporate fitness into an already busy life.  I’ll figure it out. I always do.