
Archive for September, 2009

Right, so I can hear you now. “Oh God, don’t tell me her blog post is going to be about GH.” You have to listen to me go on and on about GH on a regular basis if you follow me on twitter or facebook. Seriously though. Yesterday, Dom/Dante (I don’t know the actor’s name off the top of my head) said something to Lulu (Julie Berman) that resonated with me. So much so that I mentioned it to my therapist today. And it was definitely something I needed to hear.

Let me set it up for those of you who don’t watch this fabulous show (you really should check it out, ya, I know it’s a soap, but it’s really well done) I digress. Maxi and Spinelli just had their Non-Wedding and everyone was at Jake’s (the local bar) at the reception. Lulu (Luke and Laura’s daughter. Surely you know who Luke and Laura are. They are the stuff of legends) was talking to Dante/Dom about how great it was to see how happy Maxie and Spinelli were and how she is Maxie’s best friend and is so happy for them, but wonders if it is possible for her. If she will ever find someone for her. This is something that I often wonder for myself. I’m always going back and forth as to whether there is someone out there for me. And usually I wind up thinking, why can’t I find what they (generic happy couple) have. Lulu said the same thing to Dominic/Dante. “When is it going to be my turn. When will I have what they have?” And his response to her was something I need to remember.
“You won’t ever have what they have. You’ll have what you have.”
It bears repeating, “you’ll have what you have.” And that is what we are supposed to have.
I need to remember this. I don’t need what they have. I need what I need, what I have.

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Well, they don’t always get me down. Especially since I don’t have to work this particular Monday. Went to the grocery store and planned out some great, simple meals for the week. I’m feeling strong about being on plan. This has to come from within, and I’m finally at a place where it is. The changes within are finally manifesting themselves on the outside. No, I haven’t lost weight yet, but I suppose you have to begin with day and pound one, right?

I’m making spaghetti and whole wheat pasta for the kids today. I’ll have whole wheat pasta salad that I’ve made with tuna. Pictures to follow.
In other important news, Shy had her first gymnastics competition yesterday and she won second place in the balance beam. Whoo Hoo!! I was so proud of her. She medaled 9th overall.
Olympics 2020 here we come!

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