
Archive for November, 2014

Cauliflower Pizza Crust

Totally going to try doing this.

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I tend to read short stories in little sips. I’ll read one short story every few days. I’ll read it in one sitting, but I take my time and let each one simmer with me. Grisham left the best story, in my opinion, for last. That last story, Funny Boy, left me feeling the feels. I actually got a little teary eyed at the end, the only story in the collection that brought me to tears. It takes place in 1989 in Clancy, Mississippi. Which, all of the stories take place there, thus the name of the collection. It tells a story of homophobia, racism and acceptance.  It also tells the story of love. How it’s been lost and how it has been found in the least likely of places.

I was mid-read when Grisham made his now infamous white-guy-child-porn-teenage-girls comments in an interview by The Guardian.  Google will give you the youtube videos as well as 1,267,396 editorial articles.  When I first saw the interview all I could think was, please stop talking. Just hush.  Because he was making a statement, and was doing it so poorly that you walked away wondering what you would find on his own internet search history.

I have seen debates in the bookish community about separating the author from his/her work and the authors mentioned never really resonated with me. I didn’t read their books, so I could only guess how I would feel about an author whose work I loved did something that didn’t resonate with my own morals/beliefs/whatever. Now, I had one. I have loved Grisham since the late 80’s when he first started publishing books. I was still young enough to believe I could be a lawyer/writer and was in school. I read every book he published immediately.  This kind of devotion lasted for years and then I kind of moved on to other authors as his books weren’t as enticing as they had once been. The last few years, I have been reading the books I missed and especially like several, including The Confession. It seemed like Grisham was going old school. So when this interview went viral I thought, ugh. And then I realized, this wasn’t going to make me stop reading him. Yea, I really found his comments to be on the very disgusting side. However, I found, It didn’t stop me from finishing that book. Or stop me from enjoying his work.

Apparently, I can separate an author from his work.

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