
Archive for July, 2009

That’s what I’m calling it anyway. Since I did have snacks, BUT they were planned snacks and therefore authorized. I’m still working on the *why* I have such a dysfunctional relationship with food, and while I’ve had a lot of insight lately, this is still ever elusive. It can be any number of things but since it’s been going on as far back as I can remember I’m sure it’s some kind of Freudian parental thing. I’ve not always done it, but rather do so in spurts. Or I suppose I should say the times I’ve not done it have been in spurts, because, if I’m honest about it I’ve done it more than I haven’t. But that’s another post.

For this week, I’ve NOT done it two nights in a row. Which feels absolutely fantastic. I embraced my hunger yesterday as well thinking to myself that hunger is a good thing as it’s telling me I’m eating properly. It isn’t an emergency and I’ll get to eat when I get home.
My recluse lifestyle continues. Which suits me perfectly at this time in my life. I finally feel like I’m getting it together.
As August approaches I have some things to look forward to. My mom is coming to visit, my dad will also be here. I’ll probably make a trip to Orlando for the weekend to see my sister and my friend from DC is coming down. All in all a lot to look forward to.
Today’s docket isn’t especially interesting considering that I kept thinking yesterday was Wednesday. Ugh, this just means that this week is one week longer than I realized. Whatever, it’s no big deal other than the fact that I’m at work one more day. Before vaca. Or rather, staycation. I’ll imagine we’ll do some shopping but I also plan on getting in some fun “tourist” stuff for the kids.
I’ve got some thought provoking topics that I want to write some posts about but I’m not sure that the name of my blog is correct if I’m going to start doing that, you know?

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Yesterday morning after getting back from Wal-Mart with Jonathon’s laptop we spent a very lazy Sunday morning doing nothing. Jonathon played with his new laptop and was very excited about it.
Shyanne, as you can see, isn’t happy not being the center of attention. She also isn’t the, “let’s laze around and do nothing” type, but I was able to appease her with reading a book or two to her. I think we read an Eric Carle book. He is one of her favorite authors. I love it that my six year old has several favorite authors, that she can name. I love books and reading so much and it seems that the boys only love to read from the computer. Although they will pick up a book a time or two it seems that they just always find other things to do. Shyanne however, wants to be mini me, so there are many times that we are both sitting around with books in our laps.
I made a quick lunch before we headed out. This was some leftover chili that I had, a mix of spring greens and some cucumber. I topped it off with the shredded monteray jack and a couple of spoonfuls of this wonderfully fresh salsa I had left from my farmer’s market treck last week.
Even the cat was super lazy this Sunday. I made a stop at Goodwill to drop off some stuff and wanted to go into the Goodwill store only to find that it wasn’t there anymore. What the heck happened?? Well, there went one errand, so off I went to the library to drop off some books and pick some more up. Shyanne wound up with a lot more books than I and we rented Marley & Me. Jonathon had read that book and I thought for sure he would want to see the movie but he doesn’t. He explained it this way, “when you read a book, you feel what you are reading. And yes it’s sad, but it’s in your mind. When you watch a movie, you actually see what is happening and so you feel it and see it and that makes it much sadder.” Wise words from a 12 year old.

Dinner was easy. Bubble Up Pizza Casserole with some broccoli thrown in. The kids loved it. I used TVP in lieu of the ground beef. And reduced fat biscuits. You can find the recipe on Heather’s site.

I ended my Sunday in typical fashion, watching Entourage. It’s my Sunday night ritual. That and the Next Food Network Star show. After all day reading Jane Austen, my mind needed a little rest.
Mondays aren’t that bad for me, as I have discussed previously. Right now I’m drinking coffee and then I’ve got to get ready for work. The kids and I have eye Dr. appointments this afternoon and then I get to come home rather than going back to work. I’ve marked out a pilates routine to do and a stability ball routine to do as my exercise for the day. Let’s see if I get it done. I think there’s some kind of self-deprecating joke in the offing here, but I’m only one cup of coffee in so I can’t quite come up with it. Anything I say will sound lame.
In other completely related news. Weigh in is tomorrow. Just another reason to thoroughly hate Tuesdays.

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