
Archive for June, 2010

Sometimes I have a hard time winding down when I have school. Of course, this means I went to bed late last night. Which means I’m exhausted right now.  I’ll eventually snap out of it with the help of several caffeinated beverages.

Last night, after that fantastic night of school (insert sarcasm).  Actually, I like that class because the Professor is so a great guy. He really has a way of delivering the information and connecting with the class.  It’s the classmates (you may have read about them) that make me a little bonkers.

I’m going to the library.  My graphic novel gurus on twitter got me sucked into this graphic novel series, Y: The Last Man Standing.  It’s the first time I’ve read a graphic novel since I was a kid and I was thoroughly drawn into it and can’t wait to see how it ends.  So I’ll be stopping there at lunchtime.  I’ll be sure to let you know how I like it.

I just read that my friend Christie had some amazing news today!! I’m so excited for her. I can’t begin to tell you how envious I am as well. I would love to be able to do what I love. Congratulations Christie, I can’t wait to ride along with you on the next part of your journey.

My journey?  Who knows where that is headed. Sometimes, I wonder and then I remember, I’m not going to do that. I’m just going to live one day at a time, right? Remember Carpe Diem.  And that means today is going to be another busy crazy kind of day. I’ve got several catch-up things to do at work. I spent quite a bit of time yesterday not necessarily on work related duties and I had to leave early as well.  I’ll definitely go for a run later. I missed it yesterday.

I also need to make my airline reservations to Boston. Oh, did I mention I was going to Boston? Yea, I am. To see some pretty great people.

I’ve got to seize the moment and go get my ass in gear and get ready for work. Or I will be like my friend Christie, but not of my volition.

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Oh yea, that’s right, because I am not willing to sacrifice the time that such an endeavor would require to take from my kids.  But I’m suffering in this class. I’m sure I’ve mentioned this before, I’m in an Intro Class to Legal Assisting and the professor is a fantastic guy.  He is an attorney, really intelligent, and not bad on the eyes. It’s the classmates that I have a problem with.  There’s a bunch of characters and I’m afraid they make me feel like a pompous ass. But seriously, they are dumber than dirt. And it’s not their fault. They are a product of the Florida education system.  Don’t ask me how I came out unscathed. Maybe it’s because I’m significantly older than a lot of them, or that the older students (clearly much older than me) are not from here. Either way, the ignorance (let’s look up the definition, I’m not being rude) of my fellow classmates is a little frustrating at times. I want to be challenged, I NEED to be challenged. Right now, I challenge myself. I have to, because I’m not getting it from my fellow classmates.

For example, right now I’m listening to this girl flirt with the professor while we are on break. But I digress. I wanted to tell you about the beginning part of class, just so you can understand the hell that I endure every Tuesday.  I don’t know how half of these people are going to pass.

Anyway.  Today the beginning part of class was taken up by a Career Counselor teaching us how to write a resume. Yes, you heard correctly. How to write a resume. The way I managed to not fall asleep during this highly stimulating portion of the evening was to take notes so that I could provide you with an accurate description.

First, we had an advisor come in to “teach” us how to write a resume. Really. I’m not kidding. The advisor, had a piercing, wait for it, wait for it…in her FACE!! Yes, it was not in her lip, or her nose, but the part of your face in between those two. Can you imagine? This is the advisor. For the love of all that is holy, how did I get here and please someone save me from this hell.  The following are some quotes from this presentation that would have been appropriate for my 19 year old, but definitely not for anyone in this class:

objective and crap

Google Resume Action words


“make sure you use your big words when talking about what you can do”

“nerves will make you nervous”

Seriously, that last one is the Captain Obvious statement of the day.  Then she went on to discuss how to interview.  She wanted to remind everyone to change their voice mail from the rap songs so that it sounds more professional. Um, in order to be more, shouldn’t there be a slight modicum of professionalism? Honestly!! (said in my best Austin Powers voice).  She also wanted to be sure to tell everyone not to wear the same suit if you get called for a second interview, and the best was saved for last. How to interview and deal with a cross dresser. She wanted to be sure to let us know that it was illegal to make fun of that person. Um, really? O.K.

Then we started discussing current events and the nomination hearing of Supreme Court nominee Kagan.  My classmate in front of me said that Kagan should not have military protection since she doesn’t agree with them. I literally had to bite my tongue to keep from going off on this lady.  I have to remember, it’s like dealing with children.

I know I sound like an education elitist, and well, maybe I am a little bit. But then I guess I was raised that way and that has a lot to do with it.

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