
Posts Tagged ‘manicure’


It’s Friday!! Finally.  I’ve got another week under my belt.  I’ve finished school this week. I’m taking a semester off, so I’ll have some time to concentrate on getting the kid’s settled into school, I have a special visit at the end of September and I will be focusing on my writing on getting myself in order. My eating and exercise that is.

I’m more and more convinced that I need to do those things. Keeping a grip on eating right and getting exercise helps keep me sane. I lean towards being emotional (I’ll wait, I know you are shocked) and being in charge of my body and fitness helps me with that. Not to mention it helps me keep grounded.

Today, of course, I have to work and then I’ll be home. I’ll be doing some chores tonight as I have plans this weekend.  Shy has a birthday party tomorrow and I need desperately to get a manicure.  Plus, I need to finally straighten up the boys bedroom so I can take Ant some things that he missed when he initially left for school. He’s settled into Tally life ok and now if he could only find a job I know he’d be happy.

It’s been a typical quiet week for me. I’ve been learning the lessons of patience this week and as usual I’m raging against the machine.  I’m missing that special someone and even though it’s just a matter of time, I want what I want and I want it now.  Typical me.  So, I am learning patience. And being innovative 🙂

Time for school. Maybe I’ll take pictures today.

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